It is a massage therapy that involves massage of the body with large quantity of warm oil impregnated with herbs to treat specific conditions. It nourishes the body, improves well-being and longevity.
The massage begins after offering prayers. Lukewarm oil is applied all over the body followed by a body massage in 7 different postures. The patient is made to lie on a wooden bed called “Thoni” while undergoing the treatment and special care is given to the foot massage giving special emphasis to the sole of the feet. After the procedure the person is directed to take a herbal steam bath followed by a hot shower.
Benefits of Abhayangam :
This treatment is found highly effective in reducing mental tension and in increasing the strength and functional efficiency of the body muscles. Other beneficial effects of Abhayangam include better body circulation, improving vigor and vitality, better and sound sleep and reduced nervous weakness. It is the most ancient method used to remove muscular fatigue and pain. Abhyangam is generally not advised for people whose Kapha has increased, who have undergone Panchakarma treatments like Vamana or Virechana recently and those who suffer from indigestion.