
Science of Wellbeing



It involves massaging of cooked rice in cow milk on the patient. It helps the patients to get relief from pain, swelling and stiffness associated with many diseases

Navara Kizhi is known as Shashtika Shali Pinda Sweda in Sanskrit where Shashtika means 60, Shali means rice, Pinda means poultice, and Sweda means sweat. It is a type of massage that induces sweat and provides strength to the muscles while rejuvenating and re-energizing your body.

Balamula (the root of Sida Cordifolia) is thoroughly washed with sterile water to remove dirt and impurities. The roots are then cut into small pieces and put in a vessel containing water. This mixture is boiled until the quantity is reduced to a quarter of the initial quantity. The resultant liquid is then strained to obtain a decoction of Bala Kwath (Sida Cordifolia root decoction).

This decoction is divided into 2 equal parts. Milk and rice are added to one part and cooked. After cooking thoroughly, the mixture is ground until softened. The other half of the decoction is added to milk and heated on a low flame.

To make the poultice, several pieces of sterile cloth are cut into circular dimensions. The cooked rice is divided and put onto each piece of cloth. These are tied into poultices tightly bound by strong threads. It is important that the poultices are wrapped tightly so that hand gripping is easy during treatment.